Welcome to the BetSafe website
The BetSafe Responsible Gambling Program was developed in 1998 by the late Paul Symond. BetSafe is considered the leading program of its kind in the world and now has a membership of over 80 gaming venues in NSW and the ACT. BetSafe is a detailed, comprehensive, integrated and independently evaluated program that has been proven effective for more than 23 years. more information
Help for Gamblers
BetSafe has compiled a comprehensive online resource to assist gamblers, and their family members, who are wanting more information on the assistance available to them. more information
BetSafe Online Self-Exclusion
BetSafe provides a facility that enables gamblers to exclude from clubs and hotels in NSW without having to attend a face-to-face meeting. more information
How to Stop Gambling
"How To Stop Gambling", the definitive self-help guide for gamblers by BetSafe founder Paul Symond, is available for purchase. more information
BetSafe Responsible Gambling Program
Are you interested in signing your club up to the world's 'best practice' responsible gambling program? more information
Counselling & Self-Exclusion for Hotels
Does your hotel need an accredited self-exclusion provider or gambling counselling service? Interested in joining the Paul Symond Consultancy Hotel Program? more information
Consultancy Services
BetSafe is able to provide consultancy services on responsible gambling issues to gaming industry providers. more information